ISKO logo This is the official website for ISKO – the premier international scholarly society devoted to the theory and practice of knowledge organization, bringing together professionals from different disciplines such as information science, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science, as well as special domains such as health informatics. ISKO's world-wide reach is supported through its regional Chapters.

ISKO hosts an international conference in even-numbered years. It last met in Wuhan, China, in March of 2024 and will meet again in 2026 in Los Angeles, USA. Proceedings of international conferences are listed here. In odd-numbered years most of ISKO's regional chapters host conferences; many of these are multilingual.

ISKO publishes the journal Knowledge Organization eight times a year. ISKO also is publishing an online encyclopedia of knowledge organization. We provide a database of KO literature and link to a repository of KO documents, to BARTOC KO registry and to other organizations of interest to KO scholars.

Recently published       (older)

    Knowledge organization. 51. Issue 5 now available to ISKO members (volumes >3 years old OA)
    Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2nd ed. and Classification in Islamic cultures (ISKO Encyclopedia of KO)
    Recent NKOS research (EL)
    UK ISKO Conference. 7
    ISO 21127:2023: I&D reference ontology for cultural heritage information
    Modeling a moving target (IP)
    Classificare Bach
    Review of the treatment of religion in LCC and DDC (SJIS)
    A conceptual model for tracking the provenance of activities in KOSs (JDoc)
    Bibliographical foundations of information science (JDoc)
    A survey on KOSs of research fields (arXiv)
    Ransomware analysis: knowledge extraction and classification

Coming KO events       (ISKO only — by year/country)

 2024-10-02/04    Zaragoza IberSID: encuentros internacionales sobre sistemas de información y documentación. 29
 2024-10-08    online   ISKO UK Meetup. What's new in Skosmos 3
 2024-10-09    London Bite-sized Taxonomy Bootcamp
 2024-10-20    Toronto DCMI NKOS Workshop: KOS in AI & AI in KOS
 2024-10-20/23    Toronto Dublin Core and metadata applications. 22
 2024-10-22/25    Mexico International Congress on Metadata. 2024
 2024-10-23    New York Semantic data. 2024: Taxonomy, ontology, and knowledge graphs
 2024-10-25/27    Wuhan PL-LTL. 9: Lexicography and knowledge services in the age of AIGC
 2024-10-27/30    Portland LavaCon: content strategy and technical communication management. 2024
 2024-11-07/09    Arlington LLMs for knowledge graph and ontology engineering (AAAI Fall Symposia)
 2024-11-20/22    Athens IC Metadata and Semantics Research. 18
 2024-11-29    Nancy Concepts et taxinomies de la mémoire
 2024-12-11/13    London Connected data. 2024
 2025-00-00    online   UK ISKO Conference. 8
 2025-00-00    Porto   Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 7
 2025-04-10/11    Cosenza   Italian ISKO Meeting. 12
 2025-06-02/05    Glasgow CoLIS: IC Conceptions of library and information science. 12
 2026-06-00    Los Angeles   International ISKO Conference. 19


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